Automation A critical capability for a proactive security strategy-2

Automation: A critical capability for a proactive security strategy

This report captures insights from 400 security decision makers, providing a comprehensive understanding of the current and future applications of proactive security solutions.

Download the report now to discover why organizations are increasingly turning to proactive security solutions to reduce risk and see how your organization compares in terms of adoption.


70% increased spend

More than 70% of respondents have increased spending on proactive security solutions versus a year ago, clearly outpacing spending on preventative and reactive solutions.

29% of organizations are already deploying proactive security solutions as a key component of broader cyber-risk reduction strategies. 64% of organization are deploying proactive security solutions with an integration strategy in mind. 

Which of the following best describes your organization’s current approach to deploying proactive security solutions
82% automated vulnerability

82% of the most mature organizations think automated vulnerability remediation capabilities are important or extremely important.

Organizations should ensure that proactive security solutions embrace security orchestration and automation, particularly for patch scanning, patch deployment, vulnerability scanning, and vulnerability remediation.

Discover how automation can revolutionize your approach to security

Download the report to learn practical steps and strategies to elevate your security posture and protect your most valuable assets.